Entry Criteria
- A largemouth bass legally caught in Texas public waters using a hook, pole-and-line method (passive gears such as trotlines, setlines, jug lines, nets, etc. are not legal methods for catching bass and are therefore excluded). Private water entries are only eligible for Legacy Class.
- Bass is at least 24 inches in length or 8 lbs in total weight (bass must be weighed on a digital scale).
- For spawning donations, the fish must be alive and in good health in order to be transported to the hatchery. If TPWD makes the decision to not accept the fish for spawning although the fish is alive, the angler will still be eligible for entry into the Program.
Anglers must submit Photo 1 or Photo 2 as described below. Photo 3 is optional, and all three may be submitted.
Photo 1: Rigid measuring board and fish properly measured. The measuring device must be laid flat with the fish laying overtop of it. The entire measuring board, length numbers and the bass (head to tail) must be visible, readable, and without interference. If only length provided, fish is placed in 8+lb category.

Photo 2: Digital scale and fish being properly weighed. The entire digital scale, numbers, and bass (head to tail) must be visible, readable, and without interference. Weight data field and photo documentation are required for fish to be placed in 10+lb and 13+lb categories. To be included in the Legacy Class category, certified scales must be used; scale owner’s name and certification date data fields are required.

Photo 3: Angler appropriately holding Lunker Bass, 8lbs+. Appropriately means using both hands to hold the bass horizontally, with one hand firmly gripping the bass’s lower jaw and the other hand supporting its belly, just behind the anal fin.

To be eligible for program entry without documentation of Photo 1 or 2 requirements above, anglers can submit an entry by satisfying one of the below alternative requirements:
- URL link to official tournament, newspaper, magazine or website published results. Link must include angler’s name, date and location of the event, and the individual fish’s certified weight (Insert in Angler Comments box).
- A photo copy of an official tournament weigh-in slip. The photo copy must include angler’s name, date and location of the event, and the individual fish’s weight or length. (Insert in Photo 1 or Photo 2 picture box).
- A photo copy of an official certificate of the TPWD Angler Recognition Program. The certificate must show the certified weight or official length of the bass, as well as angler’s name and date the fish was caught. Certificate must be dated within the current ShareLunker year. (Insert in Photo 1 or Photo 2 picture box).
All entries will be reviewed before confirming acceptance. If an entry does not satisfy the minimum criteria, photo requirements, weight/length is not clearly readable, the entire fish is not pictured, or the entry appears questionable in terms of fish size, date caught, location caught, or catch method TPWD may deny the entry.
Genetic Sample
Genetic sampling is not required for entry. Learn how to take a sample.